
Discover the new projects carried out by the IPP since Sept. 2016

« Effects of a change in management, ownership or control on firms’ performances »

The aim of this project is to reveal a causal relationship between different modes of governance in closely-held or family firms, and their performance. We compare, on a 10 year period (2005-2014), the performances of businesses which witnessed a change in their mode of governance, whether a change of management (business transfer) or a change in shareholder, to the ones in which no change occurred.

Funding: Direction générale des entreprises – Ministère de l’économie et des finances

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« From one generation to the next: gender pension gaps in the private and public sector »

This project aims to analyze gender inequalities along the pension distribution and to assess the contribution of the different pension components to these inequalities (survivor’s pension, reference wage, contribution years, pension minima, bonus for children). We will consider retirees both from the private sector and civils servants, distinguishing local government and central government pension schemes (respectively Caisse Nationale de Retraites des Agents des Collectivités Locales, CNRACL, and, Service des Retraites de l’Etat, SRE). We will particularly pay attention to the efficiency of public policies by assessing the contribution of pension minima to inequalities.

Funding: UNSA

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« Have French selective higher education programs diversified their recruitment process since the 2000’s ? »

The purpose of this research project is to assess the evolution of the social composition of selective higher education institutions in France. Based on robust empirical evidence, the analysis will aim at determining whether the different schemes that have been implemented over the past fifteen years to widen the access of selective higher education programs for students from lower socio-economic backgrounds have been effective in diversifying the social composition of the Grandes écoles.

Funding: the financial support of the statistical departments of the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research (DEPP and DGESIP-SIES)

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« Improving data on low incomes and simulating introduction of basic income »

The aim of this project is twofold. The first objective is to draw an overview of data available in France on low income individuals and households, and to merge these different sources in order to get a better picture of the bottom of the income distribution. The second objective is to simulate on the basis of this reassembled database different scenarios of a basic income reform, using the microsimulation model TAXIPP developed by the IPP.

Funding: Cepremap

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« Modelling the impacts on public finance and households budgets of indirect taxes on food »

The Institute for Public Policy (IPP) will evaluate the impact of a change in VAT rates applied to food based on their nutritional characteristics and their environmental impact. The microsimulation model TAXIPP which includes an indirect taxation module modeling a large share of taxes on goods (VAT, fuel, excises on tobacco and alcohol, etc.) based on data from the survey Budget families INSEE will be extensively to compute the impacts both on public finances and households budgets.

Funding: the INRA research unit Alimentation et sciences sociales (ALISS) are at the initiative of the project

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« Policies for longer working lives: understanding interactions with health and care responsibilities »

This project focuses on two key factors related to the interest among policymakers across Europe in extending working lives: the relationship of longer working with health and caring responsibilities. This project brings together expertise from four countries – Denmark, Germany, France and the UK – to shed new light on how longer working lives might affect the health and well-being of the older population, and how caring responsibilities may affect individuals’ ability to work for longer. A core focus of the work would be understanding differences in these effects across the population and the resulting impact on inequality.

Funding: The French team is financed by The Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR)

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