
12-14 décembre – Paris-London Public Economics Conference

PSE a le plaisir d’accueillir la conférence « Paris-London Public Economics » co-organisée par Sciences Po – Department of EconomicsLondon School of Economics (LSE)Institut des Politiques Publiques (IPP)University College de Londres (UCL)Institute For Fiscal Studies (IFS) et PSE – Ecole d’économie de Paris. L’événement se tiendra sur le campus Jourdan du 12 au 14 décembre 2019.

Paris-London Public Economics Conference

Du 12 au 14 décembre 2019
PSE – Campus Jourdan, 48 boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris

  • Inscriptions :
    Pour les universitaires et doctorants, veuillez vous inscrire via ce lien.
    Pour les non-universitaires souhaitant assister au Policy Panel, veuillez écrire à :
  • Lien vers le programme (en version pdf)

La conférence se tiendra en anglais. Vous trouverez ci-dessous l’intégralité du programme.


Thursday 12th December, 2019

14:00-16:00 – Session 1 “Welfare analysis”

14:00-15:00 Stefanie Stancheva (Harvard) “Understanding Economic Policies : What do people know and learn ?”

15:00-16:00 Nathan Hendren (Harvard) “A Unified Welfare Analysis of Government Policies” joint with B. Sprung-Keyser

16:00-16:30 – Coffee break

16:30-18:30 – Policy Panel: “Reforms to pension systems: from academia to policymaking”

16:30-16:50 Peter Diamond (MIT, Nobel prize 2010) “Reforming Pensions”

16:50-18:30 Policy Panel with:
Peter Diamond (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Carl Emmerson (Institute for Fiscal Studies)
Elsa Fornero (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
Antoine Bozio (Paris School of Economics)

Friday 13th December, 2019

9:30-13:00 – Session 2 “Taxing Wealth”

9:30-10:30 Emmanuel Saez (UC Berkeley) “Progressive Wealth Taxation”, joint with G. Zucman

10:30-11:30 Owen Zidar (Princeton) “Top wealth in the United States: new estimates and implications for taxing the rich”, joint M. Smith and E. Zwick

11:30-12:00 – Coffee break

12:00-13:00 Thomas Piketty (Paris School of Economics) “Capital and ideology”

13:00-14:00 – Buffet lunch at PSE

14:00-16:00 – Session 3 “Firms and place-based policy”

14:00-15:00 Danny Yagan (UC Berkeley) “Place-Based Redistribution” joint with C. Gaubert and P. Kline

15:00-16:00 Dina Pomeranz (Zurich) “Can Audit Backfire? Evidence from Public Procurement in Chile” with M. Gerardino and S. Litschig

16:00-16:30 – Coffee break

16:30-18:30 – Session 4 “Health and public policy”

16:30-17:30 Petra Persson (Stanford) “The Roots of Health Inequality and The Value of Intra-Family Expertise”, joint with Y. Chen and M. Polyakova

17:30-18:30 Jon Kolstad (UC Berkeley) “Consumer Heterogeneity and the Distributional Consequences of Choice-based Public Policy: Evidence from Deductible Choices in the Netherlands” joint work with B. Handel, T. Minten and J. Spinnewijn

Saturday 14th December, 2019

9:30-13:00 – Session 5 “Pensions and savings”

9:30-10:30 Rafael Lalive (Lausanne) “Raising the Full Retirement Age: Defaults vs. Incentives”, joint with S. Staubli and A. Magesan

10:30-11:30 Cormac O’Dea (Yale) “Intergenerational Altruism and Transfers of Time and Money: A Life-Cycle Perspective”, joint with U. Bolt, E. French and JH. MacCuish

11:30-12:00 – Coffee break

12:00-13:00 Antoine Bozio (PSE) “Does Tax-Benefit Linkage Matter for the Incidence of Social Security Contributions?”, joint with T. Breda and J. Grenet

13:00 – Buffet Lunch at PSE


In partnership and with funding from the European Research council (ERC), from the Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines (STICERD), from “Investissements d’avenir” for Paris Graduate School of Economics (PSE), from the Centre for the microeconomic analysis of public policy (CPP) and from the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR).

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