IPP Report n°5 – December 2014
Authors: Jérémy Boccanfuso, Antoine Bozio, Thomas Bréda, Clément Imbert
Contacts: jeremy.boccanfuso@ipp.eu, antoine.bozio@ipp.eu, thomas.breda@ipp.eu
Non-permanent employees are a large and steadily growing share of the total workforce within the French public sector – around 20% in 2011. For public managers, those jobs offer more flexibility as their number can follow the level of public sector activity and they allow the recruitment of very skilled workers. However, the use of this pool of non-permanent public sector employees has been the source of criticism: the public sector was seen as reinforcing job insecurity that policymakers were usually apt to denounce in the private sector. This explains repeated attempts at limiting the use of these temporary contracts. This report aims at bringing quantitative elements to the debate, by understanding the patterns and evolutions of non-permanent public sector jobs, their recent evolutions, so as to elaborate projections for the future.
The administrative database of Ircantec, the non-permanent public sector employees’ pension scheme, has been the primary data source of this project. It gathers information on jobs and employers characteristics for all the contributions periods of individuals; this database provides a unique and complete source of information, never exploited so far for academic research. We have also used the “Echantillon interregime de cotisants” which provides information on all pension schemes of public and private sector employees and data from the French Labour Force surveys “Enquêtes Emploi” collected by Insee. These data have been exploited in order to provide a comprehensive picture of the career path of these workers, their transition to private or permanent public sector jobs, and their lifetime earnings.
Lifetime employment and earnings of non-permanent public sector employees in France
Also available: Caisse des dépôts, Questions retraite et société – Cahiers, N2, janvier 2015.
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