IPP Report n°16 - December 2016

Evaluation of French Homeownership policies

IPP Report n°16 – December 2016

Authors : Antoine Bozio, Marion Monnet, Lucile Romanello

Contact : lucile.romanello@ipp.eu

Summary : This report makes an assessment of the following homeowner support measures:
– the interest-free loan (prêt à taux zéro)
– the social homeownership loan (le prêt d’accession sociale)
– the standard housing loan (prêt conventionné)
– and the homeownership component of housing assistance (aide personnalisée au logement).

It reviews the literature on the economic justifications for homeownership, as well as evaluations conducted in France and abroad on policies to assist homeownership. An evaluation of the interest-free loan is carried out, estimating the effect of the amount of the loan or a change in its terms and conditions on the number of loans granted as well as on the characteristics of the property acquired and the household effort rate. In the last section, the authors propose some avenues for reform and improvement of homeowner assistance schemes.

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