IPP Report n°3 - June 2014

Impact of student allocation procedures on diversity in Paris high schools

affelnet-illustration-rapport-juin2014-ippIPP Report n°3 – June 2014

Authors: Gabrielle Fack, Julien Grenet, Asma Benhenda

Contacts: julien.grenet@ipp.eu, gabrielle.fack@ipp.eu


Over the past decade, the widespread use of the Affelnet procedure for automated student placement and the relaxation of restrictions on catchment areas (la carte scolaire) have profoundly altered the allocation of students to public high schools (lycées, from ages 15 to 18) in the Paris region. This report highlights how allocation procedures implemented by Ile-de-France educational authorities for students leaving middle schools (collèges, from ages 11 to 15) have had a decisive influence on the social and academic composition of local high schools..

logo-pdf-minImpact of student allocation procedures on diversity in Paris high schools


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