IPP Report n°4 - June 2014

Social and academic mix in the Paris Region: the role of secondary schools

High School Students Writing At DeskIPP Report n°4 – June 2014

Authors: Son Thierry Ly, Eric Maurin and Arnaud Riegert

Contacts: : stly@pse.ens.fr, arnaud.riegert@insee.fr


Large economic and social disparities in the Paris region give rise to significant educational inequalities between localities. Most of these inequalities appear to stem from factors outside the school system that structure society so the potential for educational institutions to significantly reduce segregation is limited. Nevertheless, secondary schools exacerbate the local segregation experienced by pupils, who generally choose a school within one or two kilometers of their home. To the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first to offer a quantitative analysis of the intra-school segregation generated by the formation of school classes

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