IPP Policy Brief n°16
January 2015
Authors : Claudia Senik, Carine Milcent and Chloé Gerves
Contacts: claudia.senik@ipp.eu, carine.milcent@ipp.eu
An evaluation of a physical activity programme designed for elderly people
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This study is an assessment of a programme of physical activity for the elderly. The programme offers to residents of retirement homes several physical activities designed to avoid falls, and light gym regimes. The programme is evaluated using a randomised controlled trial protocol in around 30 retirement homes in Europe. The results show a clear reduction in falls and a significant improvement in subjective health indicators. A cost-benefits analysis suggests that the introduction of such programmes could be very positive, thanks to the reduction of costs generated by falls by old people in residence, notwithstanding the benefits for their wellbeing.
Key point:
- The assessment of the HAPPIER programme of physical activity for older people was done using the randomised controlled trial method.
- The impact of the programme led to a reduction in the propensity to fall: on average one fewer mild fall every year and one fewer accidental fall every 18 months.
- The programme also had a significant positive impact on subjective indicators of the health and wellbeing of residents.
- The cost-benefit analysis of the programme showed a net benefit.
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- Rapport IPP n°6, janvier 2015: disponible en ligne dans la rubrique dédiée
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