France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom Compared
Thursday, 10 December 2015, 12 – 2 pm
Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the European Union – Rue Belliard 60-62 · B-1040 Brussels
What were the short and long-term consequences of the Great Recession for the public finances of countries across Europe? How did different governments respond? What were the effects of tax and spending changes on different types of households and across the income distribution? Was the crisis used as an opportunity to make needed improvements to the overall efficiency of tax systems?
This event is co-organized by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) of London, the Institut des politiques publiques (IPP) of Paris and the Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW) of Mannheim.
This event will discuss these important questions, presenting a summary of the findings from a new special issue of the journal Fiscal Studies. This special issue describes economic trends over the Great Recession and assesses the tax and benefit reforms implemented in response by the governments of France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom. This conference and the Fiscal Studies special issue follow the workshop “European Public Finances through the Financial Crisis”:
Program :
- Welcome Address by Eyke Peveling (Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the EU)
- Presentation of Fiscal Studies special issue
- Introduction by Andreas Peichel (ZEW)
- “The Great Recession’s Impact on the Economy, the Labour Market and Underlying Public Finances”, by Carl Emmerson or Gemma Tetlow (IFS)
- “Fiscal Policy Responses to the Great Recession”, by Antoine Bozio (IPP)
- Response by Gaëtan Nicodème (EU Commission)
For more information : download the full program of the conference.
Presentation of the results :
- Dowload the introduction by Andreas Peichel (ZEW)
- Dowload the presentation on “The Great Recession’s Impact on the Economy, the Labour Market and Underlying Public Finances”, by Carl Emmerson or Gemma Tetlow (IFS)
- Download the presentation on “Fiscal Policy Responses to the Great Recession”, by Antoine Bozio (IPP)
What are the publications of the IPP about public finances ?
Read the IPP Policy brief (n°21): “French budget 2016 : the difficult control of public spending”
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