PENSIPP – dynamic micro-simulation model of the French pension system

pensipp-page-smallMotivation: PENSIPP is a simulator that calculates the pensions of the French pension system. It allows to measure the impact of past reforms on the one hand, and to simulate the impact of the next reforms or alternative systems on the other hand (for instance, point based pension system or notional accounts).

Project: PENSIPP is a micro-simulation tool that computes pensions from detailed information about individual characteristics (demographic and professional trajectories). PENSIPP calculates the individual’s pension rights at a given age according to the French current legislation or a simulation of an alternative system. PENSIPP allows to describe past pensions reforms, their effects on pensions and the underlying mechanisms that drive these effects. It also simulates and evaluate ex ante the possible reforms of the pension system.

Partners: PENSIPP model has first been developed thanks to a scientific partnership between IPP and the “Redistribution and social policies” department of INSEE. PENSIPP partly uses “Destinie” microsimulation model, developed by this department. The model has then been improved and further developed with the support of the European Commission program for Rights, Equality, and Citizenship through the GenPensGap project.

IPP researchers associated to this project: Didier Blanchet, Antoine Bozio, Simon Rabaté, Maxime Tô

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