The TAXIPP model


TAXIPP is the IPP’s microsimulation model of French household taxation. It is based upon the long experience in micro-simulation techniques at the Paris School of Economics and is maintained by a permanent team at the IPP for use in both academic projects and in the public debate.

The TAXIPP model aims at simulating, on a database representative of the French population, all monetary redistribution (taxes and social benefits) relative to households. It allows to simulate for each individual in this database the value of each tax and social transfer, under the current system as well as under any reformed system. It is therefore a powerful tool to evaluate the impact of tax and benefit reforms, both on public finance and on the distribution of post-redistribution income.

TAXIPP is used in many projects at IPP for the evaluation of specific reforms dividend taxation, housing benefit, etc.), as well as for the budget assessment exercise  carried out by IPP and Cepremap, which aims each year to evaluate the French government’s reform proposals concerning household taxes and social benefits.

Online resources

The TAXIPP model is open-source. You can visit:

The model’s architecture

Le modèle TAXIPP présente deux originalités par rapport aux modèles existants en France. D’une part, il repose sur l’assemblage de différentes bases de données pour la plupart d’origine administrative, et exhaustives. D’autre part, ce modèle connecte cette base de données issue de cet assemblage à un simulateur socio-fiscal libre et collaboratif, le simulateur OpenFisca, auquel l’IPP contribue, et qui vise à être utilisé de manière mutualisée pour de nombreux usages (travail sur données, API web, etc.).

The TAXIPP model relies essentially on four data sources: Fideli (INSEE), coming from housing tax, income tax and property tax files; Felin (DGFiP), which provides detailed information on the income tax returns of 500,000 French tax units, with an exhaustive representation of the highest incomes; DADS, which contains the information on workers provided by employers to the administration for payroll taxes, and BNS (Insee), similar to DADS for self-employed. Even if the code of TAXIPP is open source, the data sources used are protected by statistical secrecy, and access to them requires the agreement of the Statistical Secrecy Committee (Comité du secret statistique), and is done through the services of the Secure Data Access Center (Centre d’accès sécurisé aux données). TAXIPP works in Python for the simulations, and in Stata for the process of statistical matching.

Selection of publications using TAXIPP


Model authors: Paul Dutronc-Postel, Sylvain Duchesne, Brice Fabre, Arthur Guillouzouic-Le Corff, Lola Josseran, Chloé Lallemand, Claire Leroy, Nolwenn Loisel, Lukas Puschnig.

Current team: Sylvain Duchesne, Brice Fabre, Lola Josseran

Project manager: Brice Fabre

To go further


Taxipp benefits from the support of the CNRS, as part of SOSI projects, and from the ANR through a “Ecoles Universitaires de Recherche” funding (ANR-17-EURE-0001).

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