
The impact of CIFRE PhDs (Industrial Research Training Conventions) on firms’ R&D, the employment of PhD graduates, and public-private research partnerships

Motivation : what are the effects of such an atypical innovation policy which subsidizes firms to associate a PhD student to their research activities, thus bonding public and private research.

Project : The project aims at measuring the effects of the program on the three types of entities involved:

  1. The PhD students, comparing the wage trajectories of individuals who obtained their PhD through the CIFRE program to other R&D engineers in the same companies.
  2. The innovative firms taking up the program , comparing the annual changes in variables such as patent applications or value added after they used the scheme to the same changes for comparable companies not using the scheme.
  3. The public labs hosting CIFRE PhD students, by studying changes in the nature of their research, and potential technology transfers towards private R&D.

Funding : Direction Générale des Entreprises (Ministry of Economics and Finance).

Researchers : Arthur Guillouzouic, Clément Malgouyres.




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