Motivation : what are the effects of such an atypical innovation policy which subsidizes firms to associate a PhD student to their research activities, thus bonding public and private research.
Project : The project aims at measuring the effects of the program on the three types of entities involved:
- The PhD students, comparing the wage trajectories of individuals who obtained their PhD through the CIFRE program to other R&D engineers in the same companies.
- The innovative firms taking up the program , comparing the annual changes in variables such as patent applications or value added after they used the scheme to the same changes for comparable companies not using the scheme.
- The public labs hosting CIFRE PhD students, by studying changes in the nature of their research, and potential technology transfers towards private R&D.
Funding : Direction Générale des Entreprises (Ministry of Economics and Finance).
Researchers : Arthur Guillouzouic, Clément Malgouyres.
- IPP Report n°28, october 2020 : “Évaluation des effets du dispositif CIFRE sur les entreprises et les doctorants participants” – Arthur Guillouzouic and Clément Malgouyres
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