About IPP

The Institut des politiques publiques (IPP) has been created by PSE and is developed through a scientific partnership between the Paris School of Economics (PSE) and the Groupe des écoles nationales d’économie et de statistique (GENES). The aim of the IPP is to promote quantitative analysis and evaluation of public policy using cutting edge research methods in economics.

The researchers affiliated to the IPP are researchers from the Paris School of Economics and from CREST, researchers belonging to other research institutions and a permanent team dedicated to the IPP. Their work relates to themes covering a wide spectrum of public policy: tax and benefit systems, employment policies, education, health, firms, pensions, democracy and institutions, environment, housing and competition policies.

The research carried out by the IPP aims both to develop scientific research in the field of public policies and to inform the public debate. To do so, and via numerous projects, the IPP publishes its research in different formats, some aimed at academics (working papers and peer-reviewed journal) and some aimed at a wider audience (notes and reports). In addition to this, the IPP develops on-line tools to enable a larger number of people to become acquainted with public policy issues, notably the IPP tax and benefit tables.

The Paris School of Economics (PSE) develops economics research of the highest international standard and disseminates the results. It brings together a community of 140 researchers and around 200 PhD students, and offers teaching in Masters, Doctoral, Summer School and Executive Education programs at the cutting edge of the discipline. Now firmly established as a feature on the global academic landscape, PSE breaks down all kinds of barriers in order to attain its goal of excellence: it brings together the university and the grands écoles, promotes exchanges between economic analysis and the other social sciences, delivers its scholarship to a broad public, and supports the work of its teams in multiple partnerships with public institutions and private organisations. www.parisschoolofeconomics.eu

The Groupe des écoles nationales d’économie et statistique (GENES) is a public research and teaching. Within the GENES, the CREST (Center for Research in Economics and Statistics) is a joint research center gathering the faculty members of ENSAE Paris, ENSAI, Ecole Polytechnique Economics Department and CNRS. http://www.groupe-genes.fr/  –  http://crest.science

The IPP is supported (since 2012) by a French government subsidy managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the framework of the Investissements d’avenir programme (curently: reference ANR-17-EURE-0001).

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