The Institut des politiques publiques (IPP) does not receive permanent public funding. Its research activities are primarily financed by research projects receiving public research funding (ANR, European Union), by research contracts and by the support of the civil society.
The IPP works for a better democracy
For evaluating the public policies implemented in France and Europe, we rely on rigorous methods at the forefront of research in economics. Thus, we aim at presenting the wider public with an increased understanding of the impact of policies and the options available.
Having the collective ability and means to measure the impact of public interventions in various fields such as Health, Education or Housing, enhances the democratic debate.
To promote ownership of this research by citizens and leaders, IPP makes the results of these different activities systematically available for the public: briefing notes, comprehensive reports, open data files, online simulation interfaces (including, etc.
Improving policies and existing knowledge, independently and respecting a nonpartisan approach, requires substantial financial resources. By bringing your financial support to the Institut des politiques publiques, you will contribute to the sustainability and the development of this ambitious and original project.
How to support us?
The IPP is hosted by the scientific foundation Paris School of Economics (PSE) and as such can receive tax-exempt donations. If you are domiciled for tax purposes in France, the donations are eligible to tax reductions.
- For individuals: if you are domiciled in France and you support the IPP, you can benefit from a tax reduction of 66% of the amount donated, applicable to the total sum of your gift, up to a maximum of 20% of your taxable income. A a donation of 20 euros will cost you 7 euros after tax reduction.
- For firms: uou can claim back 60% of your sponsorship against company or income tax, up to a maximum of 0.5% of turnover.
Donate to the IPP
(Donation form to come)
Your contacts
Antoine Bozio, director of the IPP –
Julien Grenet and Pierre Boyer, deputy directors – and
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