
The Institut des politiques publiques is steered by a Governing Council, chaired jointly by the director of the Paris School of Economics and by the director of the GENES (the higher education institution supervising CREST). The Governing Council of the IPP meets quarterly to define the strategy of the Institute.
The director and the two deputy directors are appointed by the chairs of the Governing Council of the IPP, on the advice of the Council. The director of the IPP manages the current affairs of the Institute and co-ordinates the research activities of the IPP. He is accountable to the Council for the management and the work conducted and submits an annual activity report.


Director : Antoine Bozio
Deputy Directors : Julien Grenet and Pierre Boyer

Governing Council

Presidents: Catherine Gaudy (GENES), Jean-Olivier Hairault (PSE)


  • Luc Behaghel (PSE)
  • Pierre Biscourp (CREST)
  • Philippe Choné (CREST)
  • Axelle Ferrière (PSE)
  • Marc Gurgand (PSE)
  • Fanny Henriet (PSE)
  • Marie-Laure Allain (CREST)
  • Claudia Senik (PSE)
  • Jean-Marc Tallon (PSE)

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